DVM, DACVIM (Small Animal Internal Medicine)
Greg Chambers

DVM, DACVIM (Small Animal Internal Medicine)
Greg Chambers
Dr. Greg Chambers, DACVIM (IM) (Akron & Cleveland East)
Diplomate: ACVIM (Board Certified I.M. Specialist), 2012
Residency: California Animal Hospital, 2008
Internship: Oklahoma State University, 2005
DVM: Texas A & M University, 2004
BS in Biomedical Science: Texas A & M University, 1999
Areas of Special Interest: Gastrointestinal (including liver and pancreas), Endocrine, Pulmonary, Renal and Immune Mediated Diseases
Dr. Chambers grew up in Oklahoma and Texas. He chose internal medicine for both the challenge of diagnosing and treating complicated diseases and to help preserve the special relationship between patients and their families. Dr. Chambers spends time with his family and pets Emma (Labrador), Josie (Pitbull mix), and Cora (Domestic Short Hair). Dr. Chambers also enjoys hiking, walking, reading, watching movies, and playing board games.